Cities and urban life post Covid-19

Cities and urban life post Covid-19

↑   An empty street in Wuhan, Hubei, the province at the centre of the coronavirus outbreak. Photograph: AFP This article provides more questions than answers, but the questions are excellent and that’s the right way to start.          by Jack Shenker   – ...
UK cities after lockdown

UK cities after lockdown

↑  A new scheme in Milan has re-allocated car parking space for pedestrians and cyclists There seems be be broad consensus that urban mobility will change post Coronavirus lockdowns, favouring cycling & walking. For city dwellers, these modes can work fairly...
MaaS 4 Freedom

MaaS 4 Freedom

MaaS has become an a rather complex and elusive subject. Fundamentally the benefits of MaaS depend on the adoption of an acceptable and  sustainable model for connecting citizens with the transportation system in their city or area. There are many issues relating to...