EUKALYPTON’s Offering for Future Entrepreneurs with a Business Idea

EUKALYPTON provides support to individuals who have a business idea and are preparing to transform it into an action plan to create a business activity or an entrepreneurial company to subsequently become their main activity

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Programs to define and implement your development and change management goals

EUKALYPTON offers support programs that consist of 4, 6, or 8 sessions, in person or online, to take your business idea and translate it wth you into a Business Strategy and an Action pPan to turn it into reality

Each session is preceded by an agenda agreed between us and followed by a report of the choices made, the decisions taken, and the actions to be taken to consolidate and implement them.

EUKALYPTON will listen to you a lot and help you frame your choices. We will list withn you up-front all the domains and topics to be covered before the start of the program.

Market Research and Surveys

EUKALYPTON can help you define the targets and the questionnaire for a first survey in order to validate your business idea with your targets (future customers).

Creation of the Name of Your Company, Your Logo and Your Visual Identity

A strong visual identity is essential to stand out and make yourself known. This allows you to create a lasting impression on customers, build brand recognition and promote company values. EUKALYPTON supports you in creating a unique and impactful visual identitiy to reflect the essence of your company.

Creation of Tools to Present your Company and Promote your Offerings

EUKALYPTON will support you to plan, prioritize and create these

Communications Tools: