EUKALYPTON’s Offering to Cities, Municipalities and Regional Authorities

Discover below the programs and specfic actions we will carry-out to support the transformations you chose for your City

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Programs to define and implement your development and change management goals

EUKALYPTON is able and willing to either lead or to participate in a program of meetings with your teams, agents or inhabitants to define and implement action plans to achieve general goals or specific objectives

Understand and to Make Operationally Explicit your Municipal priorities

In cases where, like other Cities with similar priorities, there is a need to launch ground-breaking initiatives, EKALYPTON can lead on your behalf along with other cities a conjoint prototype program and seek funding from national or internation organisation that promote inovation in the specific domains like enviroment, education, public safety.

Studies & Surveys

EUKALYPTON can lead or participate in Studies and Surveys to quantify & qualify needs or desires of your population. We can undertake these actions either as your agent with a mandate, or anonymously on your behalf.

Funding for innovative Municipal programs

In cases where, like other Cities with similar priorities, there is a need to launch ground-breaking initiatives, EKALYPTON can lead on your behalf along with other cities a conjoint prototype program and seek funding from national or internation organisation that promote inovation in the specific domains like enviroment, education, public safety.

Presenting & Promoting your Municipal Ambition and Acheivements

EUKALYPTON will support you with creation of Video Reports and Articles to position your municipal vision and sucessful programs to the relevant audiences. Our in-house reporterswill work with your teams to define the audiences to be reached and the messages to be crafted to tell Your Story .