EUKALYPTON’s Offering for Companies

Discover here our best personalized solutions to boost the growth and impact of your Business today.

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Programs to define and implement your development and change management goals

These programs that we offer to companies and start-ups consist of 4, 6, 8 or 12 sessions, in person or online, to explain your strategy and define the action plan to carry out the transformations you want together. .

Each session is preceded by an agenda agreed between us and followed by a report of the choices made, the decisions taken, and the actions to be taken to consolidate and implement them.

Typical Objectives

Modern Features

Analysis of your Offer

Analysis of how your offer responds to the needs or desires of your targeted customers.



Differentiation of your offer compared to that of competitors.



Legal, tax and organizational structuring of your business.

Marketing and Communication

If you have already defined and explained your business strategy and you wish to translate it into a marketing, promotional, communication and commercial plan, EUKALYPTON offers you specific support for this.

Market Research and Surveys

We help you conduct market research and surveys to understand the needs and desires of targets, as well as trends and opportunities in the market or social environment.


Creation of Tools to Present your Company and Promote your Offerings

To present your business in a professional and attractive way, it is essential to have effective presentation tools. EUKALYPTON supports you in the design and production of these tools.

Some specific services we offer you

Modern Cards
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Creation of your Visual Identity and Logo

A strong visual identity allows you to create a lasting impression on customers, build brand recognition and promote company values.

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Your website

We work with you to define your target, the structure and content of your site. We advise you on the choice of service providers for the creation and hosting of the site.

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Brochures to present your offerings

We support you in the design of impactful commercial brochures, including advice on structure, content, and design.

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Your Product Catalogs

We help you organize and present your offer in a clear and attractive way, whether for printed or digital versions.

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Creation of Audiovisual Media

We help you produce presentation and promotion videos for your projects.

We support you throughout the development of your Business Plan

Writing your Business Plan is an important process for you and your team, as well as a fundamental tool in seeking financing. We offer you a standard Business Plan structure expected by investors and help you achieve it.

Prepare your Pitch to Investors

Presenting a pitch is crucial to attracting investor interest. It is essential to know the investor to whom you are going to present and to know how much time you have for your presentation (5, 10, or 15 minutes).

We provide training in Public Speaking and “dry-run” preparation of your presentations or pitches

Speaking coaching is essential to strengthen your impact during your presentations and public interventions. EUKALYPTON offers a personalized coaching program to improve your communication skills, manage your stress, and captivate your audience.

EUKALYPTON supports you by creating, or re-creating, your unique and impactful visual identity that reflects the essence of your NGO.