EUKALYPTON’s offer for Non-Profit Organizations & NGOs

Discover here our support services to develop and regenerate your organization to better achieve your obectives

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Programs to define and implement your development and change management goals

We offer development programs to Non-Profit Organizations & NGOs that consist of 4, 6, or 8 sessions, in person or online, for one, two or three members of your organization. The objective will be to start from your mission and your values (your statutes) and an analysis of the enviroment in which you work today, in order to validate or update your strategy in these areas pecifically:

Each session is preceded by an agenda agreed between us and followed by a report of the choices made, the decisions taken, and the actions to be taken to consolidate and implement them.


Market Research and Surveys

To the extent that, to establish your renewed strategies, you wish to survey your populations, EUKALYPTON can help you define the targets and the questionnaire for a survey in order to validate your hypotheses.

Create or Re-create Your Organisation's Name, Logo and Your Visual identity

A strong visual identity is essential to stand out and make yourself known. This allows you to create a lasting impression on your targets, strengthen brand recognition and promote your organizations values.

EUKALYPTON supports you by creating, or re-creating, your unique and impactful visual identity that reflects the essence of your NGO.