50 Tweeters in MaaS You Should be Following

50 Tweeters in MaaS You Should be Following

HERE Mobility  –  15 April 2019  – by Daniel Stern The way we are moving from A to B has drastically changed, and the concept of Mobility as a Service is unfolding across cities worldwide. MaaS is the solution cities seek to help combat growing...
Half Agile Isn’t Real Transformation

Half Agile Isn’t Real Transformation

A Metaphorical Journey LEADING AGILE  –  24 April 2019  –  DAVE NICOLETTE As we guide clients through organizational Transformation, we apply our System of Transformation incrementally via Expeditions. An Expedition is a “journey” from the current state to...
The 4 Hurdles of Remote Freelancing

The 4 Hurdles of Remote Freelancing

Photo by Interactive Sports on Unsplash MEDIUM  –   19th March 2019  –  by Scott Hoover My journey to remote freelancing began in 2009. I was sitting in my 10×10 office at the regional CPA firm where I worked, putting in my...