
Transforming the Business




Here, I will be posting and commenting articles – mainly in English and in French – that I find interesting and useful in illustrating way businesses are transforming themselves to become more effective:

  • in addressing evolving needs of existing customers,
  • in finding new customers in new markets,
  • in developing their range of offerings to do this.

The focus will be on stories that tell how companies transitioned from a myopic “business-as-usual” culture to a vigilant and dynamic culture embracing change and innovation.


If you want to send me an article that you have come across that does this, please do so and I will publish it here. My email address is:

The Business impact of a Toxic Work Culture

The Business impact of a Toxic Work Culture

Movitating invividuals in business organisations is important. Beyond individuals there is the social contruct, the company culture that also -  and vitally - needs to be shaped and fostered to create shared understandings, goals, beliefs and behaviours. Toxic Work...

How to Run a Meeting. Here’s how Satya Nadella does it

How to Run a Meeting. Here’s how Satya Nadella does it

↑   Satya Nadella.    GETTY IMAGES Excellent method here        by Justin Bariso   -   31 July 2019 Microsoft's CEO Knows How to Run a Meeting. Here's How He Does It "Ugh, another meeting. Can't I just get some work done?" Who of us hasn't said that at one point or...

This is a very useful article on how to use LinkedIn     by Craig Wasilchak   -    25 October 2019 What's the point of having a large network on LinkedIn? Go to any networking event and ask this question if you want to start a debate. The point behind having a large...

“Bordeaux Durable”, une Smart initiative

“Bordeaux Durable”, une Smart initiative

↑  L'entrepreneur bordelais Nicolas Pereira est revenu avec sur le Pacte "Bordeaux Durable" lancé à la mi-octobre et sur ses objectifs réels dans la future campagne. Des initiatives et programmes pour la protection de la planète et plus particulièrement la...

Why do Digital Transformations Fail ?

Why do Digital Transformations Fail ?

↑    JORG GREUEL/GETTY IMAGES It turns out that the two Challenges that this article identifies are not exclusive to "digital" transformation exercises. That are pretty generic to all kinds of transformation process mangement. 18 Oct. 2019    -   by Mike Sutcliff,...



Comme d'autres articles dans ce blog, celui-ci examine le phénomène des micromobilités - ici avec grande perspicacité. On voulait des voitures volantes, on a eu des trottinettes en libre-service Mission effectuée par 15marches et pour le compte de l’ADEME,...

Critical Thinking Skills for your team

Critical Thinking Skills for your team

↑   twomeows/Getty Images A lot of articles and seminars focus on achieving group convergence and team consensus around company strategy, policies and processes for greater efficiency and effectiveness. This article speaks about the need and the how to develop greater...

L’humilité comme qualité d’un boss

L’humilité comme qualité d’un boss

On ne pense pas forcément à l'humilité comme une caractéristique différentiante d'un leader ou d’un dirigeant dans nos entreprises. Mais le monde change et surtout l'accès au savoir et à l'information se démocratise largement. De ce fait les qualités d'un leader...

Learning and Development: steps to getting it right

Learning and Development: steps to getting it right

View Post ↑    GREGOR SCHUSTER/GETTY IMAGES   Good article here that recasts learning and development in and beyond the social company context. It aims to elicit what needs to be done to circimnagivate or overcome obstacle to true personal development.   Where...

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